Bible Believing, Bible Teaching
Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth.

The Family Place to Be
Welcome to The Country Church, a family focused Christian fellowship of folks who love the Lord Jesus Christ. We are Bible-believing Bible-teaching Christian people focused on weekly study of God’s Word, serving people in the community and surrounding area with music, fellowship and the hope of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Singing, Choir and Special Music
Enjoy vibrant music including: praise team, choir, ensembles and soloists from within the community. On a typical Sunday morning you may participate in the congregational singing, enjoy the choir song and listen to special music being performed by one or more individuals. Visitors frequently comment about the quantity and quality of the music at The Country Church. On special occasions a carry-in meal and fellowship is enjoyed by everyone.
Bible Study for All
In addition to the regular Sunday morning sermons, you will find The Country Church offers a variety of Bible study opportunity for all ages. We have multiple age appropriate Sunday school groups, and a children’s church in addition to a traditional Sunday morning message delivered by our pastor.
Christian Family Fellowship-Just Stop By
Please feel free to participate in any activity from Bible study classes, to music, to good old Christian fellowship. No matter your age, gender or marital status, we want you to enjoy your visit to The Country Church in Bourbon Indiana.
Messages on YouTube
Messages can be viewed on YouTube by clicking this Link or copy and paste the following url to your browser: