Christian Preschool
Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.

Kids Country Preschool Mission
Preparing Children for Kindergarten
Our purpose is to prepare children to enter kindergarten. Along with that we provide a Christian basis for values and morals. The children will hear a Bible story each month, do crafts and learn to pray.
To provide a warm atmosphere in which each has a chance to work and play with other children outside their home environment.
To develop each child’s physical abilities and awareness such as motor development.
We want to sharpen each child’s mind with an awareness of the world around him/her and to provide basic concepts that will enrich each child’s intellect through art, music, science and social studies.
We have been teaching children since 1999, preparing them to have a great start with their education.
For more information please contact the school at 574 342-0315.